There's a basic object to enjoying a safe ride on a mountain bike: Look where your going.
While the same can be said for business, it's amazing how many people focus on the obstacles in front of them instead of focusing on the track, but when you fixate on the obstacles which are in your way - they tend to magnify - which makes your changes of hitting one fairly high.
The same goes for them you start riding faster on the trail. The faster you go (ie: the more you grow) the further down the track you need to look. Just don't look so far down the track that you get blindsided from something you didn't see just up ahead.
Have a think about your business. How far down the track are you looking? What obstacles do you face that you could find the answer to if you just ventured to look a little beyond them? Are you getting blindsided by other things that are stopping you from making progress?
If so, you may need a growth check. Take our free 7-minute test to find out how to sail past the things holding you back and create the business you dream of.