3 Things That Make a Successful Salesperson
What are the 3 things that make a good GREAT salesperson?
When it comes to great sales people there are three key things you need to pay attention to:
1. Skillset - do you have the skills necessary to make the sale?
2. Activity - Are you doing the right level of activity to get the results you want?
3. State - How you feel. (energy, belief, confidence, etc.)
It's important to remember that not all of the above are easily measurable, and in fact can be quite subjective. So, the best place to start is with the activity. By measuring those tangible items such as call, meetings, conversions, etc. you can then determine where the deficiency is - and it will either be in state or skillset. Watch the video to find out how to combat these deficiencies and ensure your salespeople are great.