3 Things That Make a Successful Salesperson

May 19, 2016

 What are the 3 things that make a good GREAT salesperson?

When it comes to great sales people there are three key things you need to pay attention to:

1. Skillset - do you have the skills necessary to make the sale?

2. Activity - Are you doing the right level of activity to get the results you want?

3. State - How you feel. (energy, belief, confidence, etc.)

It's important to remember that not all of the above are easily measurable, and in fact can be quite subjective. So, the best place to start is with the activity. By measuring those tangible items such as call, meetings, conversions, etc. you can then determine where the deficiency is - and it will either be in state or skillset. Watch the video to find out how to combat these deficiencies and ensure your salespeople are great.


How To Know When It’s Time To Hire

Mar 7, 2016

When is the Right Time to Hire?

You may have noticed you've been getting busier, and it would be great to have an extra person or two to take some things off your plate. But what things? How many people? Before you throw money at the problem and hire another team member into your midst, you need to consider your systems and how they can be fine-tuned first.
  1. Consider the 80:20 principle: That 20% of your activities account for 80% of your results, so you are certainly going to want to concentrate on those items and pass a hat to someone else, so you can focus on growth. Have a look around at the resources you have first, to see if this delegation can be done internally. There are also many ways you can implement technology to help you do more with less.
  2. Determine if you can afford 60% of a new hire's salary. In theory, the new hire will bring the remaining 40% of their salary to the table themselves through efficiency and capacity.
  3. Consider the burn rate. When hiring, you have to factor in 3-6 months of overhead costs while your new hire is getting up to speed enough to work at a higher level (and achieve financial results for your organization). Ensure you have enough to funds to cover this transition, and that you have the training to support their development.

If you aren't sure where you sit, or whether your growth profile will support a new hire, take our free 7-minute test to find out.

How to Hire Top Performing Sales People

May 12, 2015

If every there was a holy grail, this would be it. If only there was a way to consistently hire top performing sales people!!

Well I'd love to say I've got the silver bullet for you ... but I think you'd know I'd be lying. What I have got though, are some juicy tips and tricks shared from recruiting veteran Kristen Harcourt. Kristen is a senior consultant with The McQuaig Institute. The McQuaig Institute are leaders in the field of profiling and assessments with respect to recruiting. While The McQuaig Institute can and do help companies assess a variety of roles, their grass roots and expertise is with sales people.

In this interview, Kristen shares with us the 'tells', tricks and tips on finding, filtering and identifying top performers. The whole interview is 37 minutes long and it is packed with gems to help you find the sales people you are looking for.

Enjoy the listen. Please share your thoughts and ideas on the content of the interview below, we'd love to hear your take.

And...if you want to take this podcast on the go and have a listen later, you can! Right click the link HERE and save it to your device.